Fibromyalgia Links

Fibromyalgia Tip Book
Answer User Questions
What is Fibromyalgia?
Candida and Beer
Chiropractor Care and FMS
Tender Skin
Diagnosing Fibromyalgia
Getting ready to see a new doctor
Help your doctor help you
Doctors and disability claims
Disbelieving doctors
Will your doctor listen?
A test for your doctor
Finding a new doctor
Other ways to locate a good doctor
Triggering fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia predisposition
Triggers without trauma
Diagnostic tests
The right doctor
Trigger points
Family medical history
Is this really a fibro thing?
Don't blame it all on fibro
What is Fibromyalgia?
Might I have fibro?
Every Day Coping Strategies
The Best Bed for Fibromyalgia Patients
The best blanket for fibro
Comfort strategies
Help for tight waistbands
Tote bag tactics
Get dressed - every day!
Shoe choices
Best fabrics for fibro
Dress for comfort
Dress in layers
Leg and foot support
Purse strategies
Dressing for bed
Quick clean-up tricks
No raised arms!
Down for sleep comfort
Don't be a perfectionist
Closet organization
Dressing the bed
Minimize bending and lifting
Eliminate pot scrubbing
An easy cleaning system
Kitchen inventory
Stubborn jar lids
Easy on you oven ideas
FibroFog - Cognitive Problems
Get into a routine
Write it down
Keep track of your medications
Computers help us remember
PDAs for better memory
How to Declutter your house
Remembering things that need to go out with you
Remember where you parked
Use humor to cope
Brain Food - Fish and Fibrofog
Quit losing those keys
It's not Alzheimer's!
What is my memory problem all about?
Fibromyalgia and Disability
Collecting double?
Lawyers and appeals
Best doctor for claims success
Support your own claim
Appealing a claim
Successful claimant profile
Fibromyalgia Attitude Adjustments
Upbeat education
The invisible disease
Friends and family
A little positive introspection
Depression and FMS
Mood elevators
Feeling like you've become stupid
Depression is normal
Fibro and guilt
Silver linings
Concentrate on what you CAN do
Learning acceptance
Avoiding stress
Disability doesn't mean disabled
Educate yourself and others
Help Someone Else
Pace yourself
Making lists
Set priorities
Treat yourself
Dealing with work
Good days and bad days
Support group benefits
Pain tracking
Fibromyalgia Fundraising & Research
What are the Leading Fibromyalgia Fundraisers?
How to Donate to Fibromyalgia Research
What are the Best Fibromyalgia Research Centers?
FMS Treatments
Pillow for Better Sleep
Exercise as therapy
Allergy Busters
Home treatments for pain
Coping with flare-ups
Better Support Means Better Sleep
Pain and aromatherapy
Tai Chi and Fibromyalgia
Commonly treated symptoms
Sleep aids for FMS
Inform your doctors about medications you take
Common pain meds for FMS and risks
Narcotic time release medications
Prozac and FMS
Pain medications for severe cases
Fibro and dentists
Common treatments
Symptoms and Signs
Nutrition and muscular pain
Nutritional supplement to fight fat
Major weight gain factors
Weight , metabolism and exercise
Changes in appetite
Metabolism and weight changes
FMS and Allergies - overlapping symptoms
Breathe Free - Purify the Air
Symptom relief
Are allergies a real problem with FMS?
Quality of sleep counts
Fatigue and that foggy feeling
Sleep problems and pain
Liquids at bedtime
Middle of the night medicines
Bedtime routines
Comfortable sleep aids
The neutral sleep position
Swollen glands and fatigue
Sleeping aids
Sleep schedule
Pain and sleep problems
Acquired dyslexia
Restless Legs
Hypersensitive senses
Fingernail symptoms and fibro
Face and jaw pain
Allodynia - skin pain
General body swelling
Fluctuating body temperature
Chronic dry mouth
Clogged hair follicles
Weak hand grip
Handwriting difficulties -muscular
Sensory overload
Hypersensitivity and your family
Sound sensitivity
Loss of interest in sex
Mouth soreness
Tissue overgrowth
Temperature discomforts and sleep
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Yeast infections
Writing difficulty-cognitive
Is your deodorant failing?
Thrush - mouth soreness
Sound sensitivity at home
Temperature discomfort
Restless leg syndrome
Avoid cramps - keep moving
Weakness that comes and goes
Causes of Charlie Horses
Charley horse relief
Charley horse prevention
Limited arm motion range
Muscle pain prevention
Muscle Aches and FMS
Fibro-related muscle pain
Muscle relief in the tub
How to Prevent Charley Horses Caused by Fibromyalgia
What is a trigger point?
Causes of trigger point problems
Analgesia assisted traction therapy
Therapy for trigger point pain
Top Fibromyalgia Apps
The Top 5 Fibromyalgia Apps
Fibromyalgia Newsletter Archive
Restless leg syndrome
Analgesia assisted traction therapy
Causes of trigger point problems
An easy cleaning system
Best doctor for claims success
Coping with flare-ups
The right doctor
Exercise as therapy
Mouth soreness
Temperature discomforts and sleep
What is a trigger point?
Narcotic time release medications
Common pain meds for FMS and risks
Friends and family
The invisible disease
Upbeat education
Avoiding stress
Depression and FMS
Feeling like you´ve become stupid
Fibro and guilt
Learning acceptance
Dealing with work
Good days and bad days
Pace yourself
Pain tracking
Support group benefits
Treat yourself
Allergy Busters
Ridged fingernails, fibro and the yeast beast.
Better Support Means Better Sleep
Brain Food - Fish and Fibrofog
Breathe Free - Purify the Air
Causes of Charlie Horses
Don´t blame it all on fibro
Disability doesn´t mean disabled
What is Fibromyalgia?
Triggers without trauma
Diagnostic tests
A little positive introspection
Tender Skin
Chiropractor Care and FMS
Candida and Beer
What is Fibromyalgia?
Help your doctor help you
Collecting double?
Hypersensitive senses
Weak hand grip
Dress for comfort
Dressing for bed
Will your doctor listen?
Is this really a fibro thing?
Computers help us remember
Comfort strategies
Purse strategies
Successful claimant profile
Getting ready to see a new doctor
Triggering fibromyalgia
Might I have fibro?
Get into a routine
How to Declutter your house
Nutrition and muscular pain
Sleep problems and pain
Face and jaw pain
General body swelling
Charley horse prevention
Charley horse relief
Weakness that comes and goes
Therapy for trigger point pain
Dress in layers
Get dressed - every day!
Appealing a claim
Lawyers and appeals
Fibromyalgia predisposition
Concentrate on what you CAN do
Best fabrics for fibro
Leg and foot support
The best blanket for fibro
Down for sleep comfort
Dressing the bed
Eliminate pot scrubbing
Support your own claim
A test for your doctor
Disbelieving doctors
Doctors and disability claims
Finding a new doctor
Trigger points
PDAs for better memory
Quit losing those keys
Remember where you parked
Remembering things that need to go out with you
Use humor to cope
It´s not Alzheimer´s!
What is my memory problem all about?
Home treatments for pain
Common treatments
Inform your doctors about medications you take
Pain medications for severe cases
Sleep aids for FMS
Changes in appetite
Major weight gain factors
Metabolism and weight changes
Weight , metabolism and exercise
Are allergies a real problem with FMS?
FMS and Allergies - overlapping symptoms
Bedtime routines
Comfortable sleep aids
Fatigue and that foggy feeling
Middle of the night medicines
Pain and sleep problems
Quality of sleep counts
Sleep schedule
Acquired dyslexia
Allodynia - skin pain
Clogged hair follicles
Fluctuating body temperature
Handwriting difficulties -muscular
Hypersensitivity and your family
Loss of interest in sex
Restless Legs
Sensory overload
Sound sensitivity
Sound sensitivity at home
Temperature discomfort
Thrush - mouth soreness
Tissue overgrowth
Writing difficulty-cognitive
Yeast infections
Avoid cramps - keep moving
Limited arm motion range
Muscle Aches and FMS
Muscle relief in the tub
Restless leg syndrome
Analgesia assisted traction therapy
Causes of trigger point problems
An easy cleaning system
Best doctor for claims success
Coping with flare-ups
The right doctor
Exercise as therapy
Mouth soreness
Temperature discomforts and sleep
What is a trigger point?
Narcotic time release medications
Common pain meds for FMS and risks
The invisible disease
Upbeat education
Avoiding stress
Depression and FMS
Feeling like you´ve become stupid
Fibro and guilt
Learning acceptance
Dealing with work
Good days and bad days
Pace yourself
Pain tracking
Support group benefits
Treat yourself
Allergy Busters
Ridged fingernails, fibro and the yeast beast.
Better Support Means Better Sleep
Brain Food - Fish and Fibrofog
Breathe Free - Purify the Air
Causes of Charlie Horses
Don´t blame it all on fibro
Disability doesn´t mean disabled
What is Fibromyalgia?
Triggers without trauma
Diagnostic tests
A little positive introspection
Disability does not equal being disabled
Keeping Track of What Works (And What Doesn`t)
Fibro and Handwriting Difficulties
Why Your Skin can Hurt
Weight, Metabolism and Exercise
Slow Down that Fibro Weight Gain
Depression - a consequence, not a cause
Fight fibrofog with brain food
Supporting your own disability claim
Getting the best help from your doctors
Purer Air means Feeling Better All Over
Tight Waist Bands in your Spring Wardrobe?
How does one get fibromyalgia?
Layers for Comfort
Do it Now!
Keeping Your Medications Straight
Do I have Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia Frequently Asked Questions
What can I wear when my body temperature seems to keep changing?
What bed clothing will help with my "broken thermostat"?
How can I relieve the "charley horse" kind of cramp?
How do I stop thinking so negatively?
How can I stop feeling guilty about things I´m not getting done?
What do I do about others who don´t understand that I´m honestly sick?
How can I raise my self-esteem when I feel so limited?
How can I manage to do everything I once did - or can I?
How can I get a more comfortable night´s sleep?
How can I stop dwelling on all the things I can´t do anymore?
What is causing these charley horses?
What bed clothing will help me to sleep well?
Which fabrics will keep me most comfortable when dressing?
How did I get fibromyalgia?
Why did I get fibro and not everyone else?
How can I tell if my doctor will be the right one to treat me?
How can I find a fibro-sympathetic doctor?
How do I keep my muscles from cramping and stiffening?
How can I help lift myself out of a bad mood?
What can I do about clothing that hurts by the end of the day?
What memory aids can I take everywhere?
I sleep a lot, so why am I exhausted?
How can I express what I feel without getting boring?
How can I help my friends and family understand?
How can I explain without seeming to complain?
What can I do to help make a successful disability claim?
What if I need a pain pill in the middle of the night?
If I can´t remember a trigger does that mean it´s not fibro?
Is there a good way to lift myself from a bad mood?
What sizes and styles of clothing will be best for me now?
How can I stop feeling like I´ve become an idiot when I forget things?
What´s the surest sign that I have fibromyalgia?
How safe are the commonly prescribed pain medications?
What are the best types clothing for good sleep?
How can I deal with all the things I need to get done?
Can I help myself sleep better?
Is there a good system I can use for household upkeep?
What do my frequent Charley horses mean?
How can I keep from always getting stressed out?
Why do my senses suddenly seem so acute?
How can I be sure it´s FMS and not something else?
I am always too hot or too cold - what can I do?
Am I getting Alzheimer´s disease?
Why is my brain so foggy these days?
Why do I keep transposing letters when I write and type?
How can I keep peace at home when loud noises are hurting me?
What is this discomfort in my legs? I can´t find a comfortable place.
Are swollen glands normal with FMS?
What can I do about my restless legs?
What can be done when pain interferes with sleep?
How can I remember things I´m going to need ?
What can I do about this huge weight gain?
Can exercise help with this weight problem I have?
Can my fingernails tell me anything about having fibro?
Can I do anything that will help me maintain a positive attitude?
What is the best fabric for a comfortable blanket?
Why do I keep getting vaginal infections?
How do I get rid of these scab-like things on my scalp?
How can I relieve this nausea?
Are my stomach problems significant?
What is making the inside of my mouth so sore?
How can I tell what things lead to a flare-up?
What tools will work best to make the house look better?
What can I do to keep my muscles from getting too painful?
How can I communicate to my partner that sex doesn´t interest me?
How come my temperature never seems to be normal?
How can I remember things I need to do?
Will the "pain patch" help me with my chronic fibro pain?
Should I worry about allergies?
How can I find a happy medium between too loud and unhappy family?
Is it normal for me to feel so depressed?
Is FMS real or am I just depressed?
How can I stop misplacing everything?
Is there a "best" way to lay when trying to sleep?
How can I stop constantly losing things?
What if my doctor doesn´t seem to believe in fibro?
How can I take an active part in my own treatment?
How can I deal with embarrassment over my fibrofog?
Why does my body seen out of sync with the actual temperature?
Why am I suddenly gaining/losing weight?
What can I do when I´m both foggy and bored?
Will a hot bath help with this muscle pain?
Is the pain in my joints, my muscles - or in my head?
How can I best describe the muscle pain I get with FMS?
Can my computer work as a memory aid?
Why am I having trouble writing and typing?
Have I forgotten how to spell and write?
Is the pain in my jaw from muscles or from joints?
Why does my skin hurt?
Can better nutrition make me feel better?
What kind of doctor is best if I plan on applying for disability?
Will I need a lawyer when applying for disability?
What is important in finding a doctor to treat me?
What are the best shoe styles for someone with FMS?
How can I choose a shoe for best leg and foot support?
What do I do if my disabilty claim in denied?
Can I relieve my allergies without having to take more pills?
How can I minimze scrubbing on burnt pots and pans?
How can I avoid oven cleaning?
How can I stop feeling guilty because the house is messy?
What does my doctor need to know about my medications?
Why do things seem so loud and/or so bright?
How do I keep loud noises from driving me crazy?
Can I use essential oils to help with pain and sleep?
Is there a way to stop a charley horse from seizing?
What can I do to help with the pain in my trigger points?
How can I make laundry work less painful?
How can my doctor tell that I really have fibromyalgia?
How can I stop misplacing my keys?
Is there a way to tell if my doctor really knows anything about FMS?
How do I know if this new problem is fibro-related?
Should I sleep whenever I feel tired?
Can I do anything to relieve TrP pain at home?
Why did my doctor prescribe muscle relaxants? I need pain relief!
What are these taut bands of muscles that hurt when I press them?
Why do I suddenly have trouble holding small objects?
Why can I sometimes grip things firmly - but not always?
What can I do to help improve my sleep routine?
How can I cope with all my work without causing a flare?
What can I contribute to my own treatment?
Is there something to help me sleep without neck stiffness?
Am I sure this won´t just go away?
What do I do about people who don´t think I´m really sick?
What can I do about those sudden heavy sweats?
What do I do about ingrown hairs, fibroids and adhesions?
Am I a candidate for fibromyalgia?
Why did my doctor put me on Prozac if I´m not depressed?
Will exercising help me or hurt me?
What good will a support group do?
Can I take anything to help with the weight problem?
Why doesn´t my deodorant seem to help?
How can I organize closets/cupboards for the least strain?
How can I carry a lot of stuff around without overtiring myself?
Who typically can successfully file for disability with FMS?
Why have my eating habits changed?
Which symptoms are fibro and which are allergies, or can you tell?
Is there one type of doctor who will be most helpful with my clai
How can I keep track of all the things in my pantry and refrigerator?
How can I get rid of all this clutter ?
How can I organize closets/cupboards for the least strain?
How can I travel light when I need more than my purse holds?
What type of doctor will be most helpful with my claim?
How can I improve the quality of my sleep?
Can an air purifier help with my allergies?
Can I ignore new symptoms if they´re on the "typical" list for FMS?
Why di I need a family medical history?
Why won´t my doctor prescribe stronger pain medication?
How can I organize closets/cupboards for the least strain?
Are there any jobs I really need to avoid?
How can I get the lids off stubborn jars?
Why should I bother getting dressed when I feel so lousy?
If I file with government & private companies can I collect from both?
Who can I ask about good doctors for fibro treatment?
How can I make dental work easier on myself?
How can I keep track of what meds I need to take?
Can an allergist help with my fibro symptoms?
What causes me to develop trigger points?
Can anything really bring relief from trigger point pain?
Why can´t I think straight? I got lots of sleep.
Does lack of sleep increase my pain?
Why do I seem to gain weight in the evening?
Why is the inside of my mouth sore?
How can I tell if this is a fibro headache?
Will massage help me? Or will it hurt?
Why doesn´t the doctor just give me sleeping pills?
Why won´t my doctor prescribe s stronger pain medication?
What can the doctor do to help with my fibro symptoms?
What symptoms do doctors typically prescribe medications for?
What information will help my doctor make a correct diagnosis?
Are there any jobs I really need to try to avoid?
How can I organize closets/cupboards for the least strain?
What are trigger points?
Are there any home remedies for pain?
How can I adjust my waistband so that it is comfortable when I swell?
Why do I suddenly feel much worse than usual?
Why won´t my doctor prescribe stronger pain medication?
Can a different diet help my fibrofog?
How can I remember where I parked?
How can I sleep when I keep having to go to the bathroom?
What is it that is keeping my muscles from moving freely?
Why does it hurt when I have to raise my arms to do something?
Can I use therapeutic bath devices to help the pain?
How can I relieve my dry mouth problem?
Does being on disability mean I´m disabled?
What causes these vertical ridges in my fingernails?
I think this is where I seen A descption of fibro, but I can't find it now. It was explaining what the fibro means the my means and the algia means. I wanted to right it down but I can't find it . Any help would be appreciated. I love your sight , it has explained alot of things I didn't know. Than
Is a memory foam mattress more comfortable than a spring mattress for fibromyalgia patients?
What therapies are there for the treatment of fibromyalgia?

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Sheri Ann Richerson